AMMP Network
"AMMP" Network is a members-only networking group designed to connect members with Emma Bowen partner companies.
Our members are some of the top talent in media and tech today.
EBF’s AMMP Network is a members-only networking group that provides members with ongoing access to exciting job opportunities in the media, entertainment, and technology space through various channels, including in-person events, webinars, exclusive job mailings, and more. The AMMP Network is open to EBF Alumni and experienced media, entertainment, and technology professionals at college graduate/entry-level, mid, senior, and executive levels.
AMMP members represent some of the top talent in media, entertainment and technology, from correspondents and producers to social media gurus and engineers to lawyers and human resources executives.
Belong to a lifelong community of EBF alumni, professionals, and partners.
Build & increase your professional network
Direct referrals for select job opportunities
Invitations to exclusive networking events
Professional development sessions, workshops, and webinars to keep your skills sharp
Career strategy and navigation assistance
Mentorship opportunities
Monthly job + industry events newsletter
Learn more about us and join today!